Pain linked with hernias and recovery after surgery may be alleviated by using marijuana or products derived from marijuana. In addition, the cannabinoids extracted from marijuana plants may be useful for preventing the development of scars after surgical procedures.
Hernia pain can be alleviated and recovery accelerated by using cannabis, but first, it’s important to learn how the plant works with the body and how pain is mediated.
In what ways does Marijuana Helps Reduce Pain
Pain is the body’s way of alerting us that something is wrong, such as when we touch a hot pan or a sharp object. Some medical disorders, like a hernia, can cause significant discomfort and make it difficult to go about our regular activities. There’s hope that Medical Cannabis and related drugs can help us deal with the discomfort.

Why Do We Hurt?
Nociceptors, or pain receptors, are specialised nerve cells that send signals to the brain when they detect an unpleasant sensation. These nerve cells may be found all over the body and communicate with one another to relay information to the brain. When a signal from the body reaches the brain, it is processed and perceived as a painful feeling.
Our bodies not only have systems like the endocannabinoid system that create signals that cause pain, but also systems that produce signals that can control and reduce our reactions to pain (ECS).
The ECS functions as a part of the body’s inherent system for controlling cellular signalling. It consists of receptors (CB1 and CB2 receptors), enzymes, and chemicals called endocannabinoids, and it is involved in practically all body activities, including eating and digesting, hearing, emotional control, mood, and pain perception.
All along the pain pathway, endocannabinoids have a role in modulating pain perception, which opens the door to the possibility of using phyto-cannabinoids, or cannabinoids derived from plants, to artificially modulate pain.
The Endocannabinoid System and Pain Regulation: How Does It Work?
The neurotransmitters responsible for relaying the sensation of pain from one nerve cell to the next are predominantly within the purview of the endocannabinoid system, whose primary function is pain modulation.
Plant-based cannabinoids, such as those found in Cannabis sativa, can stimulate the same ECS pathways as our own endogenous cannabinoids do.
Neurotransmitters that would normally stimulate the region of the brain that informs the body it’s in pain are blocked by endocannabinoids, which are produced automatically in this circumstance. Endocannabinoids “tone down” presynaptic firing by inhibiting neurotransmitters, which lessens signal transmission and pain experience.
Cannabidiol for Hernia Pain Relief
An organ develops a hernia when it protrudes through a weak spot in the surrounding muscle or tissue. Most often this manifests in the stomach, although it can also show up in the groyne or upper thigh.
The pain is dull and pressure-like, and it increases when there is strain on the abdominal region, such as when lifting a large object or bending or twisting.
Using cannabis to treat hernia pain is an area that hasn’t been studied extensively. But there is substantial evidence that cannabis helps alleviate pain in analogous circumstances, such as after surgery.

Numerous clinical research were found to concur that cannabis was an excellent pain management alternative in a review of cannabis’ use for post-surgical pain. Different strains and doses of cannabis were employed in these analyses.
In one of these investigations, patients were given capsules containing nabilone, a synthetic cannabinoid having effects similar to those of THC. In another study, people used a 1:4 ratio of THC to CBD and smoked or vaped 20-30 grammes of cannabis flower monthly. A third research had participants take an oral dosage of dronabinol, a synthetic form of THC.
These results imply that cannabis, in any form or with any cannabinoid, can alleviate pain. Nonetheless, it’s probable that the impact varies somewhat depending on the specific cannabinoid that’s being utilised.
The intensity of the effects will also vary depending on the dosage. Canada has now legalised THC and CBD-based therapies for neuropathic pain, adding to the growing body of evidence that cannabis may be used to effectively treat chronic pain.
To a certain extent, cannabis and cannabis-based medications may help with hernia discomfort, but they will not treat the underlying problem (the herniating organ). Due to the irreversible nature of a hernia, it is critical to get medical attention.
Benefits and Threats that Could Arise
All therapies have advantages and disadvantages, and some are better than others. When deciding on a treatment plan, it’s important to weigh the potential advantages against any potential drawbacks in order to make an informed decision.
Possible Advantages
Hernias are characterised by a bulge or swelling at the affected area, discomfort that worsens when the abdominal area is stressed, and a constant, dull soreness even while at rest. While waiting for hernia surgery, patients may find some relief from the agony using cannabis-based therapy.
Hernia discomfort can cause insomnia for those who suffer from it. Cannabis is often used as a sleep aid and may be able to help you go off to sleep in addition to helping reduce your discomfort.
It’s possible that cannabis has some topical advantages as well. It is typical to have scarring after having a hernia repaired, and studies have shown that CBD ointments can help with this.
Topical cannabinoids have not been demonstrated to impair healing, thus the use of cannabis-based ointments for post-operative care is thought to be safe.
The availability of cannabis-based alternatives to opioids for pain treatment allows some individuals to significantly reduce their opiate consumption. Because opioids are so much more addictive than cannabis, this is a positive development.
Possible Dangers
Even while cannabis can help with pain and inflammation, there are still dangers associated with consuming it if you have a hernia.
Some people who smoke or vape cannabis get a persistent cough, which might make their hernia worse. Smoking and persistent coughing also increase the likelihood of getting a hernia. Pain treatment from cannabis may be best achieved through oils or edibles.
The body’s response to pain-altering medications, such as the anaesthetics used in surgery, might vary as a result of prolonged cannabis usage.
Users of cannabis have been proven to need more anaesthesia than non-users, so it’s crucial to let your anesthesiologist know if you’re a regular consumer.
It was also shown that the anaesthetic effects of opioids like morphine lasted significantly longer among chronic cannabis users. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) risk may potentially be increased by cannabis use (COPD).
The facts on this issue are scant and contradictory, so it would be premature to draw any solid conclusions at this time.

To conclude
Hernias cause a lot of discomfort and anguish, which some people have found relief from by using cannabis. Cannabinoids may be delivered in a wide variety of methods, and there is some evidence that they help alleviate pain.
While waiting for surgery, those experiencing hernia-related discomfort may wish to research the use of medicinal cannabis for symptom relief. If you are considering taking medical marijuana for hernia pain relief, you should discuss your options with your doctor first.
A List of Frequently Asked Questions
Does CBD oil have the potential to aggravate GERD?
Reflux of stomach acid into the oesophagus, irritating its lining, is the root cause of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). CBD oil has not been shown to worsen GERD or related illnesses, suggesting that cannabis-based medications might be used to treat the disorder.
An article published in 2017 reported the existence of cannabinoid receptors in the oesophagus, suggesting it may be a target for cannabis-based therapeutics; nevertheless, the authors acknowledged that more study was required.
When I have scars from surgery, is it okay to apply CBD oil on them?
CBD oils and ointments used topically are safe to use on surgical wounds. Many patients would like not to have any visible scarring after surgery because of the possibility of it being cosmetically unappealing. Multiple studies have found that topical use of CBD oil aids in the recovery from injury and reduces the production of scar tissue.
The fibrosis of the liver was shown to be much diminished when CB2 receptors were activated, according to a study conducted in 2011. Scar tissue forms mainly through a process called fibrosis. This data shows that cannabis therapy for scarring may be effective.
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